Reasons That Make Statues of Sai Baba So Popular In India

Reasons That Make Statues of Sai Baba So Popular In India-Vaidik Pratimalaya

Sai Baba also called Shirdi Sai Baba was a religious guru. He was known as fakir, saint, satguru etc by his believers and he lived to serve the poor. It was his saying that all religions have same object to spread goodness and help the weak. He also hated the discrimination by caste and religion and promoted reading of books of all religion be it Holy Bible, be it Quran or be it, Bhagavad Gita. This is just the beginning but there is the endless reason because of which sai baba marble murti is worshipped all over India.  

Sai Baba was a humble man and he never wanted people to donate money and worship the gods. He instead told the people to just read the mantras, be polite and remember God’s name always. He told us an easy way to live life and the simplest form of worshipping our beloved Gods. Another reason for sai baba marble statue being so popular is Sai Baba always gave assurance to his believers for liberty more commonly known as Moksha. He told his devotees that remembering him forever and spreading his teachings will free every man and will fill their body life and soul with peace.

sai baba Marble Statue-Vaidik Pratimalaya

We all know that our satguru is dead but then too he is said to be immortal as thousands of his believers have sensed or felt his presence. Sai Baba is greatly loved by people for his simplicity in the city of Jaipur, Rajasthan. Hence, it is obvious that you will find plenty of murti makers in Jaipur who only craft the statues of Shri Sai Baba and have a million of affection for him.

People say that if we only chant the name of Sai then that is enough to impress him and he will help you in starting and ending every day in your life with positivity. Now you wonder that people who worship Sai Baba’s murti or statue would be so relaxed and in peace. Thus this becomes another factor for our Lord Sai for being of vital importance in our daily religious activities. Many people also read life history of Sai Baba which was written by Shri Hemadpant. The book has points from Geeta, Upanishads and Vedas present in form of stories. So that one could read and get to know about the sacred life of Shirdi Sai Baba. This fact tells us that in Hindu culture how important it is considered to know about the learnings of Sai Baba, that there have been books published for it. So that everyone the children, the old and others can get to learn about him.

Sai Baba Mandir located in Jaipur is dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba and is famous among the places for tours and visits. This temple is decorated with an overstated figure of Sai. Many people travel to Jaipur for only to visit this temple. There are many other temples found in Jaipur where the statues or figures of only Sai are worshipped and no other god is considered. Worshipping the murti of Sai Baba is known to be very powerful and helps a person to enlighten his life and progress in every field. 

Marble murti manufacturers Jaipur is a great job or occupation followed by hundreds of people. People give their lives; they spend it spreading the preaching of their satguru Sai.
Last but not the least point of Sai Baba being so popularly worshipped is that he has done many miracles or unbelievable things. His soft heart and love for the people melted the heart of the toughest man. Therefore he is a true saint and deserves to be adored by all.


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